Story Starters

Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on

Did you know that there are stories in your mind that nobody else in the world can tell? When you bring your own personality and experiences to a story, you create something that has never existed before! How fantastic is that? Use one of the questions or ideas below to create a story that only you can share.

Imagine that you wake up one morning, and your alarm clock is barking!  Then, the dog enters your room, opens her mouth, and beeps like the alarm clock. Next, your baby sister walks in and tells you to get dressed and brush your teeth for school, while your mom toddles in and asks for a blankie. What happens next in this mixed up day? Tell the rest of the story in the way that only you can tell it.  Have fun!

On a sunny day in late winter, you and a friend head outside to play.  In your yard, you notice something sticking out from a pile of melting snow.  With your parent’s permission, you and your friend start digging.

“Look!” exclaims your friend.  “It’s a ________________!”

What did you find in the snow?  How did it get there?  Where is it from?  Maybe the winter wind blew it in all the way from across the ocean.  Maybe a spaceship left it behind.  Maybe an eagle dropped it there.  Or, maybe something else happened. You decide!  Use your imagination, and tell the unique story that only you can tell.


Tell the story of a day in the life of a penny.  Where does it begin its day? Does it land in the pocket of an airline pilot?  The slot of a gumball machine?  Where does it travel next?  The journey is up to you! 

On a fall day, you visit an apple orchard.  Taking a hay ride, picking apples, doing crafts, and playing on the orchard’s playground is always so much fun!  This time, though, the owner doesn’t greet you with her usual smile.  Sadly, she explains that when she woke this morning, the _________ was missing from the orchard!  Fill in the blank.  Then, write a story that solves the missing ______ mystery!


After waiting for weeks, you are finally visiting the county fair with your family and your very best friend.  You’re looking at the horses in the animal barn when your best friend grabs your arm, points to a different stall, and exclaims, “What is that?  It looks like a cross between a _____ and _____, but it’s bigger than an elephant!”  Describe the animal.  Where did it come from?  Does it do any tricks?  What sound does it make? Why is it at the fair?


Imagine that you can jump into the pages of your favorite story and become a new character in the book.  What will you say to the other characters?  How will they respond?  Will the story turn out differently because you are there?


One day, a package arrives for you in the mail.  When you open it, a friendly little creature pops out!  “Hello,” it says, “My name is ___________.”  What does the creature look like?  What does it say to you?  Who sent it to you, and why?


One summer morning, you’re walking to the park with your family.  Suddenly, an alien flies by in a spaceship and lands directly in front of you.  “Greetings, Earthling!” it says to you.  “What planet would you like to visit today?”  With your parents’ permission, you climb aboard the spaceship.  What does the alien look like?  What does the spaceship look like?  Where will you go?  What will you see?

You are the owner of a brand new time machine, and you can travel to any time you wish.  Where will you go?  Will you visit the dinosaurs? Have a talk with George Washington?  Live during the pioneer days?  Visit your great-grandfather when he was a boy?  Explore the future?  It’s all up to you!

Have fun!